@article{oai:kogakkan.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000021, author = {音羽, 悟 and OTOWA, Satoru}, issue = {2}, journal = {皇學館大学研究開発推進センター紀要, Bulletin of the Research and Development Center of Kogakkan University}, month = {Mar}, note = {別宮とは正宮(本宮)に対する別け宮であり、正宮につぐ重要なお宮です。 古くは天皇陛下の勅書により、後には官符を以て宣下された神社だけが宮号を称しました。『太神宮諸雑事記』によると、天平十九年(七四七)に別宮遷御の記載があり、奈良時代には二十年に一度の式年遷宮が制度化されていたことが理解できます。但し殿舎の規模や社格から判断して、当時遷宮が行われたのは荒祭宮と多賀宮の他、『皇太神宮儀式帳』や『延喜太神宮式』の記載と『倭姫命世記』の御鎮座伝承記事及び中世伊勢神道の記録から大御神の遙宮とおのみやといわれる瀧原宮と伊雜宮でも執り行われたと考察しました。 月讀宮は奈良時代に、伊佐奈岐宮は貞観九年(八六七)に宮号宣下がありました。『延喜太神宮式』によれば、皇大神宮別宮は荒祭宮・伊佐奈岐宮・月讀宮・瀧原宮・瀧原竝宮・伊雜宮の六宮、豊受大神宮別宮は多賀宮の一宮でありました。その後、土宮は大治三年(一一二八)、月夜見宮は承元四年(一二一〇)、風日祈宮と風宮は正応六年(一二九三)の宮号宣下により別宮に昇格しました。 本稿においては、これら別宮の古代から近代に至る歴史的変遷について、殊に遷宮の沿革を中心に典拠史料を明示しながら考察をめぐらせます。, A betsugū is an detached shrine (jinja) for one of the main sanctuaries at Ise-Jingū. It is considered as an important jinja next to the main sanctuary. Only some jinja were permitted to have the title of betsugū, which was granted through official documents issued by the emperor in ancient times, or official documents issued by the government at that time. According to an old history book of Jingū called the Record of miscellaneous matters at Ise Shrine, there was a description of rituals for the betsugū sengū (regular moving of the deities at detached shrines) in 747; therefore, we recognize the fact that the ritual for the regular moving of the deities was already institutionalized in the Nara Period. Judging from the scale of the palace and the rank of jinja, the betsugū sengū was conducted at Aramatsuri-no-miya and Taka-no-miy detached shrines. Besides these two jinja, it is thought that betstugū sengū was conducted at detached shrines such as Takihara-no-miya and Izawa-no-miya, which are far from the main sanctuary of Amaterasu-omikami, by recognizing the descriptions and the records in the three old history books of Jingū: Record of miscellaneous matters at Ise Shrine, Ceremonial procedures of Ise Shrine in the Engi Era, and the Record of the life of Princess Yamato. Tsukiyomi-no-miya was permitted to have the title of betsugū in the Nara Period, and Izanagino- miya was permitted to have it in 867. According to the description and the record of “Ceremonial procedures of Ise Shrine in the Engi Era, there were six betsugū (Aramatsuri-no-miya, Izanagi-no-miya, Tsukiyomi-no-miya, Takihara-no-miya, Takihara-narabi-no-miya, and Izawa-no-miya) that belonged to the Inner Shrine, on the other hand, there was only one betsugū (Taka-no-miya) that belonged to the Outer Shrine. After that, Tsuchi-no-miya was permitted to have the title of betsugū in 1128, the other Tsukiyomi-no-miya that belongs to the Outer Shrine was permitted to have it in 1210, and Kazahinomi-no-miya and Kaze-no-miya were permitted to have it in 1293. In this brief history of the sengū (ritual for the regular moving of the deities at Jingū), this article describes the historical transitions involving betsugū sengū.}, pages = {87--114}, title = {別宮遷宮の歴史について}, year = {2016}, yomi = {オトワ, サトル} }