@article{oai:kogakkan.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000036, author = {荊木, 美行 and IBARAKI, Yoshiyuki}, issue = {3}, journal = {皇學館大学研究開発推進センター紀要, Bulletin of the Research and Development Center of Kogakkan University}, month = {Mar}, note = {近年の発掘成果によって、八世紀末から九世紀初頭、すなわち光仁天皇朝から桓武天皇朝の時期にかけて、斎宮において大規模な方格地割が造営されたことが判明した。これによって、この時代が神宮や斎宮にとって、大きな劃期であったが確認された。光仁・桓武天皇朝に神宮や斎宮の制度に大きな 変革があったことは、文献の上からも裏づけられるのであって、今後、神宮史を考える上で、この時代の動向にいっそう注目する必要があろう。, “Saiku” is the dwelling of the Saio, who served the deity of Ise. The Saio System was established in the latter half of the 7th century by Emperor Tenmu, lasting for roughly 660 years. In the long history of “Saiku”, the period of Konin and Kanmu Emperor was a remarkable time. In the government of these emperors, the Saio system flourished. By using both old documents and the excavation of the Saiku archaeological site, my paper shows that the Saio system was expanded inthis period. Konin Emperor, Kanmu Emperor, Saiku, the revolutional thought, excavation of the Saiku archaeological Site.}, pages = {151--160}, title = {光仁・桓武天皇と斎宮}, year = {2017}, yomi = {イバラキ, ヨシユキ} }